Learning Outcome 4:

Learning Outcome 4: At the beginning of the year, I would consider myself as  subpar and I would tend to leave comments that would praise people for there work so they felt good about their papers. I think half of it was me not wanting to make them feel bad, but the other part was me not seeing the problems. I would  not consider the work as wrong and continued reading the essay. I knew I was facing this problem, so I decided to read the essay through once and then read the essay a second time to give them feedback. I would note places of concern in my first read and make a comment about it in the second read. I feel like in (insert ryan’s link), I was capable of giving effective feedback through negative and positive ways. I would always try and praise someone on something and then say what they could do to make it better. That was my compromise to hopefully criticize them but also give them so good feedback about what they should fix. I would mainly try and criticize my peers thesis and make sure the claim sentences matched it. I would say “thesis?” to make sure that the chosen area was actually the thesis. If it was not a good thesis, I would make sure to let them know. I tried to be more affirmative in this area due to it being the driving point of one’s paper. When I would use constructive criticism, it would be in the areas that didn’t make sense or the writer didn’t use enough explanation or support to back up there claim. I would say “I really like how you took this part of your essay to talk about Lehrer and Ma. maybe give them a title like “world renowned cellist…”. It made me feel like I was being nice, but also helpful at the same time.