Learning Outcome 1:

In my first essay coming into class, I think a major problem of mine is not utilizing the revision process. I think my first essay was pretty vague and probably needed some more juice to make for a stronger, coherent essay. A error I made was naming the author “Kate Swallow” which was not write at all. I ended up fixing git in that class period because it was an easy fix that shouldn’t have been made. I inputed her name right as “Karen Swallow Prior” and that fixed that issue. Another small error I made was local errors in my essay. They were small errors like putting “a” instead of “an” or I misspelled a word. Now my revision strategy has changed fully. I really take advantage of the “shitty first draft” and I try to put down as many ideas in my paper as I can. After that, I will try and narrow my insight and make an essay that intertwines my beliefs with others. It has helped me become a better writer and I think it was good for me to start off with not really utilizing the revision strategy because now I have learned from my mistake and know what makes for a good final draft and a bad one. 

Another helpful excessive was writing out our revision strategies on our blog. I feel like it allowed me to look at the global errors I made and how to find an effective way to address those errors to make my essay as goo as it can be.